Artist in Residenence summer 2021​
by Kieran Hinde en Qiran Xu
@ Albert van Abbehuis
18 september - 3 october 2021
Open: Tuesday to Sunday 13:00 - 17:00
opening 18 september 2021
Dutch design Week 2020
anthopology of Anthon Beeke
@ Albert van Abbehuis
17 okt - 31 dec 2020
DDW 17 okt. 2020 – 25 okt. 2020
Philosophical Table 23 online Books and Other Creative Media December 16th, 16:00 via Teams
#EindhovenFestival 18-31 December
Open: Tuesday to Sunday 11:00 - 17:00
Artist in Residenence summer 2020
Yu Zhang
@ Albert van Abbehuis
Exhibition “POLATECH 1”
27th of August till 6th of September.
Thursday to Sunday 13:00 - 17:00
Opening: 27th of August 15:00
We Are The Champions
Solo exhibition
Thomas Kuijpers
@ Albert van Abbehuis
​First half: 25th of June – 5th of July
Second half: 9th of July – 19th of July
Extension: 23rd of July – 26th of July
25th of July: silent opening
9th of July: public OPENING
23th of July: Art&Science Salon
Thursday to Sunday 13:00 - 17:00
Group exhibition with work of:
Chieri Higa, Erik Vermeulen, Jukka Mathijssen, DAMSELFRAU and Samira Charroud.
@ Albert van Abbehuis
1 February - 1 March
Thursday to Sunday 13:00 - 17:00
Opening: 1st February 15:00
In een Donker
Martien van Mens, Helma Veugen, Lisette van Zummeren
7.12 t/m 12.01
Thursday to Sunday 13:00 - 17:00
Een multimediale opstelling in de kamers van het Albert van Abbehuis.
Poëziemiddag | 28 december | 15u00
Een middag waarbij de twee dichters Ienne Biemans en Kreek Daey Ouwens zullen voorlezen uit eigen werk. De poëzie van deze dichters sluit prachtig aan op de geëxposeerde werken.
Make the Future
Dutch Design Week 2019
If not now, then when?
19 - 27 oct | Dutch Design Week 2019
every day 11.00-18.00
Agi Haines
Laboratorium bio
Daan Veerman
Floor Martens
Jeroen Schokkin
Maartje Dijkstra
Motown Movement
Mycelium Lab
Rowena Buur
Sterre Boessen
Tessa Koot
Robin Weidner
Victor Crepsley
2 October 20.00 uur
hosted by DroneRecords in a FREE concert evening by:
- Calineczka Ścisław Dercz ),
on 2002-2007 active as Aleph, now runs Drone Records.
- Modelbau (Frans de Waard
Founder and member of:
Kapotte Muziek
Beequeen (+ Freek Kinkelaar)
Goem (+ Roel Meelkop + Peter Duimelinks) Zebra (+ Roel Meelkop)
WaSm (+ Jos Smolders)
Tech Riders (+ Sindre Bjerga)

The Capital of Caducity
Ronald Boom
Iris Donker
Luk Sponselee
Quinda Verheul
Elvis Wesley
@ Albert van Abbehuis
7 June - 14 July
Thursday till Sunday 13:00-17:00
Making Space Tangible
Strijbos & van Rijswijk @ Albert van Abbehuis
14 April - 26 May
Thursday till Sunday 13:00-17:00
Special Events and workshops:
Sunday 12th May - 15:00h
Electric Poetry
Sound Art Exhibition
Official opening & Welcome drinks:
Sunday 17 December 15:00.
Opening dates:
17 Dec 2017 - 14 Jan 2018.
Gallery hours:
Thu-Sun, 13:00-17:00
Special Events and workshops:
Click below
Identity II
Official opening & Welcome drinks:
Wednesday 27 December 17:00.
Opening dates:
27 - 30 Dec 2017, Daily, 12:00 - 17:30
4 - 14 Jan 2018, Thu- Sun, 13:00 - 17:00

Digital Reality Hackathon