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Presentation + Workshop | Trees, Machines and Serendipity


Albert van Abbehuis

Sunday 12 May (15:00-17:00)


Sunjoo and Ko are currently artists in residence at MAD emergent art center.

They're working together on a delicate and responsive drawing machine that mimics trees' growth rings.
In this presentation they will explain their project, the process and share their inspiration and knowledge on machines, nature and symbiosis.


After the presentation there will be a workshop given by Sunjoo and Ko.
In this workshop you can explore these concepts yourself and make different narratives around this topic.

You will be guided to brainstorm together and will write and draw the results.


In this event you can also see the live demonstration of the tree growing robot made by Sunjoo and Ko.


Language: Presentation will be in English. Dutch is possible for the workshop and Q&A.


Let us know you are joining through our facebook event page, or just come along.

Trees, Machines, and Serendipity.jpg

Albert van Abbehuis

Bilderdijklaan 19

5611 NG Eindhoven




Donderdag  13.00 - 17.00 uur

Vrijdag          13.00 - 17.00 uur

Zaterdag      13.00 - 17.00 uur

Zondag        13.00 - 17.00 uur​​​​

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